What is the difference between a service apartment and an assisted living facility?

You may recognize it, your house or apartment (or that of your parents), is getting too big and there is more and more need for (professional) assistance. So you start looking for solutions. In the first place, you reach for the idea of an assisted living facility or service apartment. But is this the same thing? Or are there differences?

There are a lot of terms circulating today. Just think of assisted living, care apartment, retirement apartment or service apartment. And really, there is only one official name: licensed assisted living facility.

The big difference is that a service apartment does not have to meet certain minimum legal requirements while a licensed assisted living residence does. Does this mean that a service flat is therefore not suitable for people over 65 to live in it? Certainly not. There are indeed service flats where it is very pleasant to live and the necessary care is certainly also possible.

The difference between a service apartment and an assisted living facility lies mainly in the services and care support offered. We listed the main differences between the two below.


Home Comfort

A service apartment is an independent living unit often designed for seniors or people with reduced mobility. It is a full-fledged apartment with its own kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom.

No Care Support

In a service apartment, there is generally no ongoing care support. Residents can live completely independently and manage their own daily activities.

Shared Services

Residents of a serviced apartment usually have access to common facilities and services, such as a restaurant, recreation rooms, fitness facilities and social activities.

Optional Services

Although there are no permanent care services, some serviced apartments may offer optional services such as housekeeping, meal service and emergency call systems for emergencies.

Assisted Living

Care Support

An assisted living home is also an independent living unit, but the main difference lies in the presence of care support. Assisted living homes are designed to provide seniors with a safe environment with 24/7 care services available in case of an emergency.

Personnel and Care

In an assisted living facility, care professionals are present or available on call to provide assistance with daily activities such as personal care, medication management and other care needs.

Custom Care

Care support in an assisted living facility can be tailored to each resident's individual needs, allowing for a personalized care plan.

Free Choice

Although assisted living residents have access to care support, they retain complete freedom and autonomy. They can choose to use certain services based on their needs.

The main purpose of both service flats and assisted living homes is to provide seniors with a comfortable and safe living environment. The difference lies in the level of care support available in an assisted living home, while service flats focus more on independence and community amenities.

Property Offerings - Assisted Living or Service Apartments

Our full range of assisted living or service flats can be found in the following link: Overview of Assisted Living or Service Apartments

For sale
From €800,000 (incl. costs).
Edition Salt
Fort St. Pol, 8300 Knokke-Heist
1 - 2
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
Investing in an assisted living facility in Belgium offers a range of advantages, a stable and growing market, attractive returns....
Service flats, retirement flats and assisted living facilities offer seniors independence with needed support....
Assistive housing, also known as service flats, are designed to provide a safe and supportive living environment for the elderly and those with care needs....