New residential neighborhoods brimming with life, thanks to CAAAP

In the world of real estate development, CAAAP shines as a true innovator, transforming seemingly ordinary neighborhoods into vibrant living environments. What makes their projects so special? Let us take you on a journey through the unique approach of this extraordinary developer and discover why their projects deserve the spotlight.

CAAAP is known for its ability to revitalize neighborhoods. With a keen eye for improving public spaces and creating a positive identity, they transform neighborhoods into inviting residential environments.

People feel at home at CAAAP

They do well by working with the various interest groups, with public organizations actively participating. What you see? Not just building development, but neighborhoods where inclusivity is central.

Their projects include neighborhood-level facilities such as gymnasiums, childcare facilities and vibrant commercial spaces. Here they are not building houses; they are forming entire communities.

The developer's approach to green, water and energy results in sustainable and livable environments. Their projects are infused with innovation, not only building homes but also shaping lifestyles.

Why choose projects from CAAAP? "Our residential concepts are diverse and inclusive," says CAAAP. "We don't just build homes, but help shape a lifestyle that fits modern needs."

Mobility is an essential part of their designs. They embrace the STOP principle to encourage sustainable mobility, with designs that facilitate steps, stairs and public transportation.

CAAAP's history reflects bold ambitions and commitment to public administration. It invites partners and residents to participate in the redevelopment of lesser-known neighborhoods through temporary infills and innovative technologies.

Successful examples include the car-free project "Het Groen Kwartier" in Antwerp, as well as the complete redevelopment of the Nieuwe Dokken in Ghent.

CAAAP sees location as crucial. Left Bank, The Green Quarter and The New Docks are considered ideal places because of their sustainable aspects and proximity to greenery and water.

They proved to win over potential buyers in neighborhoods that were not yet hip by focusing on the unique location, small-scale meeting spaces and financial attractiveness.

It may be hard to express in numbers, but the impact on their buyers' wallets is evident in the valuable and thriving communities they have helped create. This in terms of both capital gains and rental income.

They strongly believe in the growth of the rental market, anticipating changing market conditions and social trends, with the freedom of renting becoming increasingly attractive.

CAAAP 's future in real estate development includes continued innovation, sustainability and shaping lifestyles. They continue to invite participation in the discovery of unique, vibrant communities they create. In (emerging) neighborhoods they believe in.

Caaap, creators of triple-A places.
For sale
From €149,750 (excluding costs).
Wilrijkstraat 15, 2650 Antwerp
On Request
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
For sale
From €188,020 (excluding fees)
The Stage
Anneessensstraat 10, 2018 Antwerp
On request
On request
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
For sale
From €319,500 (excluding costs).
Bleekhofstraat 15-23A, 2018 Antwerp
Bew. Oppervl.
Bew. Oppervl.
For sale
From € 310,000 (excluding costs).
Nursery Street 99
Kwekerijstraat 99, 2000 Antwerp
Bew. Oppervl.
Bew. Oppervl.
For sale
From €800,000 (incl. costs).
Edition Salt
Fort St. Pol, 8300 Knokke-Heist
1 - 2
On request
Bew. Oppervl.
On request
Bew. Oppervl.

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